Saturday, 10 December 2022

Intermediate SQL tutorial for you.

If you need the datasets used in this tutorial please reach out to me through email. Datasets are not free. 

 Count() --count the number of values in a field/column

Count(*) -- number of records in a table. 

Distinct() -- for all the unique values in a field. 

Count (distinct Birthdays) -- count the number of unique 

Select count(birthdate) as count_birthdate
from people; 

-- Count the languages and countries represented in the films table
Select count (language) as count_languages,
count (country) as count_countries
from films; 

-- Return the unique countries from the films table
select DISTINCT country from films; 

## Debugging SQL code
> misspelling
> incorrect Capitalization of data
> incorrect or missing punctuation in functions or data fields
##SQL order of execution

***Very Important for you to understand ***
1. From and Joins : since these two forms the basis of the query
2. Where : Filters out the rows
3. Group By : Grouping values based on the column specified in the Group By clause
4. Having : Filters out the grouped rows
5. Select
6. Distinct : Rows with duplicate values in the column marked as Distinct are discarded
7. Order By : Rows are sorted based on Order By clause
8. Limit, Offset : Finally the limit or offset is applied

Filtering with WHERE:
WHERE color = 'green'
Remember, this will be a single quotation.
Unlike python, this matters.
<less than / Before
>greater than / After
<=less than or equal to
>=greater than or equal to
<> or !=not equal
-- Select film_ids and imdb_score with an imdb_score over 7.0
SELECT film_id,
FROM reviews
WHERE imdb_score > 7.0;
-- Count the records with at least 100,000 votes
Select count (*) as films_over_100K_votes
from reviews 
where num_votes >= 100000;

-- Count the Spanish-language films
Select count(language) as count_spanish
from films
where language = 'Spanish'; 

### Multiple criteria operator
AND. OR . Between . . . .
>>>if your query has multiple criteria operators with multiple
clauses containing Criteria Operators,
don't forget to use double parenthesis.
SELECT title
FROM films
WHERE (release_year = 1994 OR release_year = 1995)
    AND (certificate = 'PG' OR certificate = 'R');
>>> Between 1994 and 2000, is inclusive of the years.
>>> Between is more powerful and behaves like a normal function,
independent of other functions
>>> SELECT title
FROM films
WHERE release_year
BETWEEN 1994 AND 2000 AND country = 'UK';

-- Select the title and release_year 
for all German-language films released before 2000
and then Update the query to see all 
German-language films released after 2000
SELECT title,
FROM films
WHERE release_year < 2000 AND language = 'German';

SELECT title, release_year
FROM films
WHERE release_year < 2000
    AND language = 'German';
-- Select all records for German-language films released after 2000
 and before 2010
Select * 
From films
Where (release_year > 2000 and release_year < 2010)
and (language = 'German');

-- Find the title and year of films from the 1990 or 1999
SELECT title, 
from films
WHERE release_year = 1990 OR release_year = 1999;

-- Add a filter to see only English or Spanish-language films
SELECT title, release_year
FROM films
WHERE (release_year = 1990 OR release_year = 1999)
AND (language = 'English' OR language = 'Spanish');

SELECT title, release_year, gross
FROM films
WHERE (release_year = 1990 OR release_year = 1999)
    AND (language = 'English' OR language = 'Spanish')
-- Filter films with more than $2,000,000 gross income
    AND gross > 2000000;

Difference in Between and Before-After:
-- Select all records for German-language films released after 2000
 and before 2010
Select * 
From films
Where (release_year > 2000 and release_year < 2010)
and (language = 'German');
-- Select the title and release_year for films released between 1990 and 2000
Select title
FROM films
WHERE release_year
BETWEEN 1990 AND 2000;

LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN >>Your three bosses.
% zero, one or many characters
_ means single character

WHERE name LIKE 'Ade%'
WHERE name LIKE 'Ev_'
WHERE name LIKE '_ _t%'

WHERE release_year IN(1920, 1930, 1940)
-- read this as release_year column contains any of 1920, 1930, 1940
-- this is similar to writing 3 OR conditions

-- Select the names that start with K
FROM people
WHERE name LIKE 'K%';

FROM people
-- Select the names that have r as the second letter
WHERE name LIKE '_r%'; 

FROM people
-- Select names that don't start with A
WHERE name NOT LIKE 'A%'; 

-- Find the title and release_year for all films over two hours in length released in 1990 and 2000
Select title, 
FROM films
WHERE duration > 120
AND release_year IN (1990, 2000); 

-- Find the title and language of all films in English, Spanish, and French
SELECT title,
FROM films
WHERE language IN ('English', 'Spanish', 'French'); 
-- did you notice that I have put all the
all the language in single quote?

-- Find the title, certification, and language all films certified NC-17 or R that are in English, Italian, or Greek
SELECT title,
FROM films
WHERE certification IN('NC-17', 'R')
AND language IN('English', 'Italian', 'Greek');

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT title) AS nineties_english_films_for_teens
FROM films
-- Filter to release_years to between 1990 and 1999
WHERE release_year BETWEEN 1990 AND 1999
-- Filter to English-language films
    AND language = 'English'
-- Narrow it down to G, PG, and PG-13 certifications
    AND certification IN('G', 'PG', 'PG-13');

NULL values will make you go CRAZY
if you are new:

-- List all film titles with missing budgets
SELECT title as no_budget_info
FROM films
WHERE budget IS NULL; 

SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_language_known
FROM films
WHERE language IS NOT NULL; 


Select count(rookies)
from humans
where rookies IS NOT NULL;

Count (distinct Birthdays) -- count the number of un

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