In this tutorial, I am listing all the calculations and DAX I wrote for the loan interest rate analysis for the US government.
Loan Period = GENERATESERIES(1, 360, 1)
We are getting another column in the SAME table to convernt the months into current number of the years.
Years into loan = ROUNDUP('Loan Period'[Loan Period] / 12, 0)
1.01 Loan Amount (PV) = 100000
1.02 Annual interest rate = 0.04
Formatting Dates:
1.03 Date measure = date(2022, 01, 15)
adding a table using date formatting function.
You can also use calendarauto() function.
Dates = CALENDAR(DATE(1991, 01, 01), DATE(2052, 12, 31))
1.04 Average Interest Rate = AVERAGE('Mortgage interest rates'[30-year fixed mortgage rate])
Finding average for a particular date using Calculate function:
1.06 Calculate example =
CALCULATE( AVERAGE('Mortgage interest rates'[30-year fixed mortgage rate]), 'Mortgage interest rates'[Date] = Date(2022,8,4))
1.06a Calculate with OR condition = CALCULATE(AVERAGE('Mortgage interest rates'[30-year fixed mortgage rate]), 'Mortgage interest rates'[Date] = Date(2022,8,4) || 'Mortgage interest rates'[Date] = DATE(2022,8,11))
// this is simply using OR condition, an exapmle of condition in DAX CALCULATE function
1.06b Calculate with AND condition = CALCULATE(AVERAGE('Mortgage interest rates'[30-year fixed mortgage rate]), 'Mortgage interest rates'[Date] = Date(2022,8,4) && 'Mortgage interest rates'[Date] = DATE(2022,8,11))
// this is simply using And condition, an exapmle of condition in DAX CALCULATE function,
tihs will return nothing because both conditions cannot be true
1.06c Calculate with OR condition = CALCULATE(AVERAGE('Mortgage interest rates'[30-year fixed mortgage rate]), Year('Mortgage interest rates'[Date]) = 2021, MONTH('Mortgage interest rates'[Date]) = 6)
// This will simple calculate based on the year and month.
1.07 firstdate = CALCULATE(FIRSTDATE('Mortgage interest rates'[Date]))
// it will return the first date of the column
calculating firstdate average rate = CALCULATE(AVERAGE('Mortgage interest rates'[30-year fixed mortgage rate]), FIRSTDATE('Mortgage interest rates'[Date]))
// it will return the average of interest rate for the firstdate only.
1.08 Lastdate = CALCULATE(AVERAGE('Mortgage interest rates'[30-year fixed mortgage rate]), LASTDATE('Mortgage interest rates'[Date]))
// it will return the average of interest rate for the lastdate of the column.
1.09 Parallelperiod = CALCULATE(AVERAGE('Mortgage interest rates'[30-year fixed mortgage rate]), PARALLELPERIOD('Mortgage interest rates'[Date], 0, MONTH))
// this will give you an average for the same month based on the values of the month. Averages based
//on the month
1.09 Parallelperiod 3 months earlier= CALCULATE(AVERAGE('Mortgage interest rates'[30-year fixed mortgage rate]), PARALLELPERIOD('Mortgage interest rates'[Date], 0, MONTH))
// this will give you an average for the three months earlier
data... remember the SQL lag function? ovevr here the lag is for
first three months average. We do the average and push down for the first
three months row based on the date column.
Calculating change in crop production volume:
Total crop production for 2015 = CALCULATE(sum(Crops[Volume]), Year(Crops[Year]) = 2015)
Total crop production for 2021 = CALCULATE(sum(Crops[Volume]), Year(Crops[Year]) = 2021)
Change in crop production 2015 - 2021 = [Total crop production for 2021] - [Total crop production for 2015]
1.11 Total periods in loan = CALCULATE(MAX('Loan Period'[Loan Period]), ALL('Loan Period'[Loan Period]))
// this will show the total number of periods in loan in every row and it will not change based on the selection.
// what happens in calculate function is that, filter is applied first, therefore
// we are applying the all filter to take the full table or column into the consideration and take the maximum based on that.
1.12 Period remaining in loan = 'Model 1'[1.11 Total periods in loan] - 'Model 1'[1.05 Period in loan]
1.11a Total selected periods in loan = CALCULATE(MAX('Loan Period'[Loan Period]), ALLSELECTED('Loan Period'[Loan Period]))
// this will show the total number of periods in loan in every row and it will not change based on the selection.
// what happens in calculate function is that, filter is applied first, therefore
// we are applying the ALLSELECTED filter to take the selected table or selected column into the consideration and take the maximum based on that.
// but where are we selecting this? We are selecting through another Slicer in the page.
// in the Slicer, we have first value of the calculate function.
1.13 Monthly interest rate = POWER(1 + [1.02 Annual interest rate], 1 / 12) - 1
1.13 Monthly interest rate = POWER(1 + [1.02 Annual interest rate], 1 / 12) - 1
// monthly interest rate is calculated based on annual interest rate. Power function takes the baes and the exponent to execute the calculation.
1.14 Accrued Value = [1.01 Loan Amount (PV)] * POWER(1 + 'Model 1'[1.13 Monthly interest rate], [1.05 Period in loan] - 1)
// accrued value is the gathered value of the present loan amount after accumulating each month's / period's interest in real amount or usd.
1.15 Payment Amount = DIVIDE([1.13 Monthly interest rate] * [1.01 Loan Amount (PV)], 1 - POWER(1 + [1.13 Monthly interest rate], - [1.11 Total periods in loan]), 0)
// note that for exponent, we have to add a minus sign before speficying the exponent if we have minus in the formula for the power value.
// 0 as the third clause for the devide function, it is the value to indicate undefined.
// undefined is returned when you devide something by zero.
An alternative formula also works just fine:
1.15 Payment Amount sihans try = [1.01 Loan Amount (PV)] * DIVIDE([1.13 Monthly interest rate], 1 - POWER(1 + [1.13 Monthly interest rate], - [1.11 Total periods in loan]), 0)
// note that for exponent, we have to add a minus sign before speficying the exponent if we have minus in the formula for the power value.
// 0 as the third clause for the devide function, it is the value to indicate undefined.
// undefined is returned when you devide something by zero.
// and my approach is universally best
1.16 Accumuated Payments = [1.15 Payment Amount] * DIVIDE(POWER(1 + [1.13 Monthly interest rate], [1.05 Period in loan] -1 ) -1, [1.13 Monthly interest rate], 0)
// period in loan is actually equivalent to the current period and we have to subtract 1 to get the previous period
// similar to any Divide function, 0 clause returns 0 for undefined values.
// undefined comes when denominator is 0
1.17 Running Payment Total = [1.05 Period in loan] * [1.15 Payment Amount]
// does not consider the incremental time value quantified by interest rate.
1.18 Loan Balance =
Var interest_factor = POWER(1 + [1.13 Monthly interest rate], [1.05 Period in loan] - 1)
Return [1.01 Loan Amount (PV)] * interest_factor - [1.15 Payment Amount] * DIVIDE(interest_factor -1, [1.13 Monthly interest rate], 0)
// all we did was we replaced the the codes for the variable interest rate inside the return row.
// Loan Balance = Accrued Value - Accumulated Value
another way for making it shorter :
1.18 Loan Balance =
Var interest_factor = POWER(1 + [1.13 Monthly interest rate], [1.05 Period in loan] - 1)
Var accrued_value = [1.01 Loan Amount (PV)] * interest_factor
Var accumulated_payment = [1.15 Payment Amount] * DIVIDE(interest_factor -1, [1.13 Monthly interest rate], 0)
Return accrued_value - accumulated_payment
// all we did was we replaced the the codes for the variable interest rate inside the return row.
// Loan Balance = Accrued Value - Accumulated Value
Decrease is not equal to the Payment Amount AKA installment we are paying. Because, interest is
recalculated on the remaining loan balance.
This is how the calculation goes
Future loan Balance = Current remaining balance + (current remaining balance * interest rate) - Payment Amount
1.19 Interest Paid for loan peroid = [1.13 Monthly interest rate] * [1.18 Loan Balance]
// this is exactly like my formula above to extract the interest paid in the month.
// current remaining balance * interest rate
1.20 Principle paid for each loan period = [1.15 Payment Amount] - [1.19 Interest Paid for loan peroid]
You will see at the end of the period of loan that the loan balance is equal to the principle paid. Because
we already paid all our interests towards the beginning of the loan payment.
Total Cost = SUMX( Data, Data[Units] * Data[Unit Price] * Data[Exchange Rate])
1.22 total principal paid = SUMX(All('Loan Period'[Loan Period]), [1.20 Principal paid for each loan period] )
// instead of giving it the full table, we are giving it the full column to load. Column here acting as a table.
// we are using a measure inside the second expression
1.23 Total interest paid = SUMX(ALL('Loan Period'[Loan Period]), [1.19 Interest paid for loan period])
// We did not do any aggregation in the <expression> of SUMX here. Because we want to return the final SUM value.
// any column in the expression of SUMX or any other aggregation will give you SUM of that particular column
1.24 Principal Paid (running total) = SUMX(FILTER(ALL('Loan Period'[Loan Period]), [1.05 Period in loan] <= MAX('Loan Period'[Loan Period])), [1.20 Principal paid for each loan period])// this is very similar to this sql code//SELECT * ,(// SELECT SUM(T2.[SALARY])// FROM [department] AS T2// WHERE T2.[ID] <= T1.[ID]// ) AS [Running Total]// FROM [department] AS T11.25 Interest Paid (running total) = SUMX(FILTER(ALL('Loan Period'[Loan Period]), [1.05 Period in loan] <= MAX('Loan Period'[Loan Period])), [1.19 Interest paid for loan period])// this is very similar to this sql code// we simply changed to the interest paid in a loan period//SELECT * ,(// SELECT SUM(T2.[SALARY])// FROM [department] AS T2// WHERE T2.[ID] <= T1.[ID]// ) AS [Running Total]// FROM [department] AS T1// in the filter we will take all the periods below or equal to current period and sum them all up1.26 Principal compared to the loan balance = [1.18 Loan Balance] + [1.24 Principal Paid (running total)] - [1.20 Principal paid for each loan period]rate of change = POWER(DIVIDE([Total crop production in 2021], [Total crop production in 2015], BLANK()), 1/6) - 12.01 Selected date = SELECTEDVALUE('Mortgage interest rates'[Date])2.02 Loan Duration = If( SELECTEDVALUE('Select Loan Duration'[Duration Length]) = "15 years", 15*12, 30*12)2.03 Interest rate = IF(SELECTEDVALUE('Select Loan Duration'[Duration Length]) = "15 years", CALCULATE(MAX('Mortgage interest rates'[15-year fixed mortgage rate])), CALCULATE(MAX('Mortgage interest rates'[30-year fixed mortgage rate])))2.05 Forecast date = EOMONTH([2.01 Selected date],0) + 1// this will take you to the end of that selected month. plus one day forward.2.06 Loan period =VAR period = DATEDIFF([2.05 Forecast date], MAX(Dates[Date]), MONTH) + 1Return IF( period > 0 && period <= [2.05 Forecast date], period, BLANK())2.07 Payment Amount =Var payment = DIVIDE([2.04 Monthly interest rate] * [1.01 Loan Amount (PV)], 1 - POWER(1 + [2.04 Monthly interest rate], -[2.02 Loan duration]), 0)Return IF(ISBLANK([2.06 Loan period]), BLANK(), payment)2.10 Interest paid = [2.04 Monthly interest rate] * [2.08 Loan Balance]2.11 Average interest for the current month =VAR start_of_month = MAX(Dates[Date])VAR interest_rate_15 = CALCULATE(AVERAGE('Mortgage interest rates'[15-year fixed mortgage rate]), FILTER(All('Mortgage interest rates'), year('Mortgage interest rates'[Date]) = YEAR(start_of_month) && MONTH('Mortgage interest rates'[Date]) = MONTH(start_of_month)))VAR interest_rate_30 = CALCULATE(AVERAGE('Mortgage interest rates'[30-year fixed mortgage rate]), FILTER(All('Mortgage interest rates'), year('Mortgage interest rates'[Date]) = YEAR(start_of_month) && MONTH('Mortgage interest rates'[Date]) = MONTH(start_of_month)))VAR selected_rate = IF(SELECTEDVALUE('Select Loan Duration'[Duration Length]) = "15 years", interest_rate_15, interest_rate_30)return if(ISBLANK([2.06 Loan period]), BLANK(), selected_rate)Creating Columns in a table using rowDates version 2 = ROW("Dates", DATE(1991, 1, 1))Using Generate and Row function to create formulaDates version 2 = GENERATE(GENERATESERIES(1,800), ROW("Dates", DATE(1991, [Value], 1)))Week Over Week = VAR todaycost =CALCULATE(SUM(UsageDetails[Cost]),DATEADD('Date'[Date],0,DAY)) VAR LastWeek = CALCULATE ( SUM ( UsageDetails[Cost] ), DATEADD( 'Date'[Date],-7, DAY) ) RETURN todaycost-LastWeekPeriod into production =VAR period = DATEDIFF(DATE(2015, 1, 1), LASTDATE(Crops[Year]), YEAR)RETURN IF(period < 0, BLANK(), period)Rate of change = POWER(DIVIDE([Total crop production in 2021], [Total crop production in 2015], BLANK()), 1/6) - 1Rate of change for pumpkins = CALCULATE([Rate of change], Crops[Commodity] = "Pumpkins")Total crop production for pumpkins = IF(YEAR(MAX(Crops[Year])) >= 2015 && YEAR(MAX(Crops[Year])) <= 2021, CALCULATE(SUM(Crops[Volume]), Crops[Commodity] = "Pumpkins"), BLANK())Projected volume for pumpkins = [Total crop production in 2015 for pumpkins] * POWER(1 + [Rate of change for pumpkins], [Period into production])
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